Document Type : مقالات بحوث مبتکرة


We are pleased to present the July 2024 issue of the Journal of Languages and Translation, reaffirming our commitment to publishing high-quality research on a quarterly basis. It is with great pride that we announce our journal's recent achievement of a score of 7, the highest ranking awarded by the Supreme Council for Universities in Egypt. This recognition reflects the dedication and hard work of our contributors, reviewers, and editorial team.
However, this accomplishment is not the endpoint of our journey. While we celebrate this milestone, our focus remains on the future. The Editorial Board is actively working to further elevate the journal by pursuing inclusion in global indexing databases. Our aim is to ensure that the valuable research published within our pages reaches an even wider international audience, contributing to the global discourse on linguostics, literature and translation studies.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have supported the Journal of Languages and Translation on this journey. We look forward to your continued engagement as we strive to achieve even greater heights.
Thank you for your support and readership.
Marwa Muhammad Wagdy El Shereie
Editor-in-Chief &
Dean, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University Minia University, Egypt
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