Ignoranza e sottomissione. Il caso di Fontamara di Ignazio Silone

نوع المستند : Research papers


Dipartimento di Studi Italiani, Facoltà di Al-Alsun, Università di Minia, Egitto


The study delves into how individuals' lack of knowledge plays a crucial role in making them susceptible to control by those who aim to rule over them. This theme is prominently featured in Silone's Fontamara, where the author sheds light on the long-standing exploitation and resignation of Abruzzo's peasants and the broader working class. The novel not only serves as a poignant account of the harsh conditions endured by Abruzzese peasants during the fascist regime but also as a guide on sustaining control over a community for an extended period. Ignorance in this context becomes a barrier, preventing people from understanding and claiming their rights, expressing annoyance at their suffering, and ultimately causing them to unwittingly lose their rights once learned. A society marked by illiteracy and lack of awareness finds itself incapable of having advocates for its cause. Moreover, those desiring to escape for a more human life are thwarted by authorities, fearing the potential return with enlightened ideas that might challenge the status quo. Fontamara is a critique and condemnation of fascism, its oppression of the impoverished, and the corruption within the church, exploiting religion to dominate the ignorant. 

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