This study investigates the relationship between narrative reliability and identity as in For the Sake of Ghaith by Hamad Al-Hamadi. The narrator’s identity, who acts as the hero in the novel, is narrated through some narrative tricks associated with the narrator’s documentary role. The narrator engages in a process of deception and delays revealing his identity. Finally, the narrator’s false identity, groundless thought, and the irrationality and lack of authority of the organization he belongs to are all revealed to the narratee. The narrative tricks employed in the novel and explored in the study include: the narratee and narrative vision, denying facts and unreliability indications, deceptive prolepsis and projections, narrative necessities and reliability, documentary records and attempts to falsify identity, narrative transformations, and naturalization of the novel. The study finally identifies the cultural representations of the narrative theme, relying on the concepts of narrative theory and partly on cultural criticism in one aspect.
عبد العزيز, . (2023). وثوقية السرد ومعادِلات الهُوِّية في رواية (لأجل غيث) لـ "حمد الحمادي". Journal of Languages and Translation, 10(2), 139-174. doi: 10.21608/jltmin.2023.295573
تامر محمد عبد العزيز. "وثوقية السرد ومعادِلات الهُوِّية في رواية (لأجل غيث) لـ "حمد الحمادي"", Journal of Languages and Translation, 10, 2, 2023, 139-174. doi: 10.21608/jltmin.2023.295573
عبد العزيز, . (2023). 'وثوقية السرد ومعادِلات الهُوِّية في رواية (لأجل غيث) لـ "حمد الحمادي"', Journal of Languages and Translation, 10(2), pp. 139-174. doi: 10.21608/jltmin.2023.295573
عبد العزيز, . وثوقية السرد ومعادِلات الهُوِّية في رواية (لأجل غيث) لـ "حمد الحمادي". Journal of Languages and Translation, 2023; 10(2): 139-174. doi: 10.21608/jltmin.2023.295573