Il genere grammaticale in italiano tra logica e realtà linguistica

نوع المستند : Research papers


Studentessa di Master’s Degree, Università di Minia, Egitto


Even though studying languages implies that they follow a specific logic in their structure and grammar, this sometimes does not correspond to rational logic. Hence, the issue of grammatical gender is one of the ambiguous linguistic phenomena, as it is viewed differently by languages. Some languages do not have grammatical gender, such as English; some divide nouns into masculine and feminine, such as the Romance languages; and in other languages, such as Swahili, nouns are classified into multiple categories. Among these languages is Italian, which has grammatical gender that makes it more complex to the point that there is an exception to every grammatical rule. The current study aims to find out whether the phenomenon of grammatical gender in Italian follows logic in classifying words and determining their gender, i.e., is there a compatibility between the noun and what it refers to? Or is it traditional and has nothing to do with logic?

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