Misrepresentation of the Arabs in the Western Media

نوع المستند : Research papers


Department of English, Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Minia University


The stereotypical image of Arabs is the creation of a biased opinion or view. Arabs are currently seen as terrorists and murderers according to the Western media. Mistrust and abhorrence have become American common feeling towards the distorted image of Arabs. The unconscious wish not to separate stereotypes from reality governs every aspect of Arab-Western relations. Arab movie stereotypes are wealthy, barbarians, uncultured, sex maniacs, terrorist and religious fanatics as in films such as Not Without My Daughter and True Lies. They are depicted as greedy who uses oil, a natural and indispensable resource, to satisfy their hunger for money. The word terrorism has become synonymous with Arabs. In 1995 the Oklahoma City bombing was announced to be an act of terrorism done by Arabs, for which an inexplicable indictment CNN had provided na1nes of Arab suspects even before facts were confirmed. However, and to the American society's disappointment, it was an American citizen who had done it. How long is long enough for such a misrepresentation to be changed?

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